Zainudin Amali Sampaikan Harapannya Saat Tutup Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022

Zainudin Amali Sampaikan Harapannya Saat Tutup Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 – Awal bulan September 2022 kemarin yaitu tepat di tanggal 2 Zainudin Amali yang merupakan Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga / Menpora secara resmi menutup ajang pagelaran yang diikuti oleh ratusan juga pekerja media dan juga jurnalis di berbagai Pokja atau Kelompok Kerja. Lebih lanjut lagi Zainudin Amali menegaskan bahwa Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 tersebut yang mempertandingkan antara ketiga cabor alias cabang olahraga tersebut begitu bagus. Apalagi acara Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 tersebut digelar pada saat menjelang peringatan Haornas atau Hari Olahraga Nasional yang diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya.

Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 tersebut diselenggarakan di daerah Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur atau tepatnya di Stadion Batakan. Dimana acara Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 itu tadi memang sengaja digelar dalam rangka menyongsong kemeriahan Hari Olahraga Nasional / Haornas di tahun ini yang mana sudah mencapai angka 39. Lebih lanjut lagi Zainudin Amali yang selaku Menpora / Menteri Pendidikan dan Olahraga tersebut menyatakan bahwa dirinya berterima kasih kepada teman-teman pekerja media dan juga para jurnalis yang ikut berpartisipasi untuk memeriahkan acara Hari Olahraga Nasional (Haornas) yang diadakan pada tahun ini di Stadion Batakan Kalimantan Timur.

Selain itu ajang Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 ini memang bagus sehingga teman-teman media maupun jurnalis tadi bisa sekaligus refreshing dan pastinya tidak terlalu stres dengan pekerjaannya sendiri. Bahkan melalui ajang Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 ini nantinya para jurnalis maupun pekerja media tadi dapat membaur antara satu sama lain. Sehingga nantinya yang berkumpul tidak hanya jurnalis dan juga pekerja media yang berada di background olahraga saja. Melainkan juga dari pokja lain misalnya seperti halnya budaya, ekonomi, dan juga politik sehingga menjadi semakin kompak dan pastinya juga jauh lebih produktif untuk keberlangsungan kantor masing-masing.

Zainudin Amali Sampaikan Harapannya Saat Tutup Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022

Selain itu Zainudin Amali turut menyatakan bahwa dirinya mengaku betul bahwa kerja dari tim media maupun rekan-rekan jurnalis yang dikejar-kejar dengan deadline pastinya bisa memicu timbulnya stres atau tekanan yang berlebih. Untuk itu kebugaran fisik sendiri tentunya sangat dibutuhkan sehingga nantinya produktivitas dari rekan-rekan media dan juga jurnalis tetap dalam kondisi yang baik.

Bahkan Zainudin Amali yang selaku Menteri Pendidikan dan Olahraga / Menpora tersebut menyatakan bahwa dirinya ingin acara Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas itu tadi bisa digelar secara rutin. Hal ini tidak lain karena Zainudin Amali sendiri telah melihat bagaimana semangat dari rekan-rekan tim media dan juga jurnalis. Tidak hanya itu saja Zainudin Amali juga meminta tolong bahwa usulannya tersebut coba untuk dipikirkan kembali supaya nantinya ajang Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas tersebut bisa digelar secara rutin.

Disisi lain Zainudin Amali juga menambahkan bahwa jika nantinya kondisinya memungkinkan maka bisa dibuat menjadi bentuk kompetisi sehingga tidak hanya bersifat seperti turnamen saja. Melainkan juga untuk dikompetisikan di mana Zainudin Amali sendiri menyebutkan bahwa ada tiga cabang olahraga yang sudah bagus. Beberapa diantaranya yaitu ada cabang olahraga futsal, basket, dan juga bulu tangkis sehingga bisa diikutkan secara rutin dalam ajang pagelaran Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas yang diadakan setiap satu tahun sekali. Zainudin Amali yang menjabat sebagai Menteri Olahraga dan Pemuda tersebut juga menyarankan bahwa nantinya ajang pagelaran Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas tersebut juga bisa ditambahkan dengan cabang olahraga yang lain seperti halnya tenis meja.

Dalam ajang pagelaran Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas 2022 tersebut turut hadir Jonni Mardizal yang menjabat sebagai Plt Sesmenpora. Selain itu ada juga Chandra Bhakti yang menjabat sebagai Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Prestasi Olahraga. Tak ketinggalan juga ada Atal S Depari yang merupakan Ketua Umum PWI Pusat. Menurut Atal S Depari rencana untuk membangun ajang pagelaran Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas menjadi setiap tahun tersebut memang seharusnya didukung.

Selain itu Atal S Depari juga ikut mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya mengungkapkan forum ajang pagelaran yang bernama Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas ini mampu mempertemukan berbagai macam pokja wartawan, jurnalis, dan juga rekan-rekan dari tim media sendiri. Sehingga harus didukung karena ajang pagelaran Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas ini tidak hanya menyehatkan badan saja melainkan juga bisa melahirkan para juara.

Hermansyah yang selaku ketua panitia ajang pagelaran Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas tersebut juga menyatakan hal yang sama dengan Atal S Depari. Bahwa Hermansyah menyatakan dirinya menyambut dengan baik atas keinginan yang diajukan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Olahraga / Menpora Zainudin Amali itu tadi.

Di mana nantinya ajang acara Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas tersebut bisa digelar secara rutin pada setiap tahunnya. Bahkan Hermansyah turut menyatakan bahwa dirinya merasa senang bahwa Menteri Pendidikan dan Olahraga Zainudin Amali tersebut mendukung penuh ajang acara Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas tersebut supaya diadakan secara rutin setiap tahunnya.

Sehingga nantinya para pekerja media, tim jurnalis, dan juga rekan-rekan wartawan semakin bersemangat untuk terus berolahraga supaya tubuhnya tetap sehat maupun bugar. Sebagai informasi tambahan ajang pagelaran yang bernama Event Journalist Games Road To Haornas ini ternyata diikuti oleh 12 pokja wartawan dengan 3 jenis cabang olahraga yang telah disebutkan tadi.

12 Olahraga Tradisional Asli Indonesia yang Paling Fenomenal

12 Olahraga Tradisional Asli Indonesia yang Paling Fenomenal – Waktu demi waktu pun boleh saja berlalu, tapi tidak pada olahraga paling fenomenal dan tradisional asli Indonesia. Sebagian besar orang yang lahir di tahun 1990-an tidak asing lagi jika harus memainkan beragam olahraga di kampung halaman masing – masing. Sekalipun tidak termasuk dalam kategori Cabang Olahraga Nasional (Olimpiade), akan tetapi atmosfir permainan tersebut selalu meriah.

Indonesia memiliki banyak budaya dan adat yang berbeda. Dimana perbedaan itulah yang berhasil menciptakan banyak macam olahraga tradisional yang berkelas dan fenomenal hingga saat ini. Tercatat bahwa ada puluhan olahraga yang tetap abadi sepanjang masa yang di antaranya adalah;

1. Bakiak
Bakiak merupakan salah satu olahraga tradisional yang mungkin masih menjadi asupan utama bagi berbagai warga daerah. Sebab permainan ini memerlukan skill khusus yang terdiri dari minimal 3 orang dalam satu regu. Setiap tim tidak bisa menang jika di dalamnya tidak memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang tegas. Dan terbukti bahwa Bakiak masih dijadikan perlombaan penting dalam acara Agustusan.

2. Balap Karung
Balap Karung merupakan aktivitas yang paling banyak menguras tenaga dan pikiran. Dimana permainan tersebut terdiri atas 2 orang yang diselimuti karung setengah badan. Lalu kedua tim akan berlomba dengan cara melompat untuk mencapai garis finish. Menariknya, jarak yang ditempuh tidak lebih dari 10 meter. Walau begitu, kegiatan tersebut mampu melatih otot kaki agar tetap kuat.

3. Egrang
Jenis olahraga tradisional lainnya yang masih tetap abadi adalah egrang. Dimana permainan ini mengharuskan seseorang untuk menaiki tongkat kayu dan berjalan di atas tanah. Awal mulanya, egrang digunakan hanya untuk melintasi banjir atau genangan air. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, hingga kini saja masih dijalankan untuk melatih keseimbangan dan keras diperlombakan untuk memeriahkan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia.

4. Gobak Sodor
Gobak sodor merupakan jenis olahraga paling legendaris di Indonesia. Penamaan tersebut diambil dari bahasa asing yakni Go Back to Door” yang artinya kembali pulang. Dimana terdapat 5 orang dari masing – masing tim yang bertugas untuk masuk dan melintasi wilayah lawan lalu kembali pulang tanpa hadangan. Menariknya, game ini dilakukan tanpa batas waktu dan hanya mengandalkan jumlah kepulangan dari setiap tim secara bergantian.

5. Karapan Sapi
Jika melintasi Pulau Madura, tentunya mereka akan tahu bahwa wilayah tersebut terkenal akan kajian olahraganya yang sangat melegenda yakni Karapan Sapi. Olahraga ini mengharuskan setiap tim menunggangi sapi dengan menarik kereta kayu hingga mencapai garis finish. Walaupun terbilang ekstrim, namun nama olahraga tersebut telah diresmikan sebagai julukan tim sepakbola Madura United (Laskar Sapi Kerap).

6. Lompat Batu
Pulau Nias juga punya cerita unik dalam menghadirkan perlombaan paling menghibur. Dimana penduduk setempat telah menciptakan permainan lompat batu setinggi 1 meter. Awalnya kegiatan tersebut dikhususkan untuk latihan perang di masa penjajahan, namun saat Indonesia mereka lompat batu telah menjadi tradisi perlombaan bagi orang dewasa serta mengakhirinya dengan merayakan pesta paling meriah.

12 Olahraga Tradisional Asli Indonesia yang Paling Fenomenal

7. Pencak Silat
Indonesia masih punya olahraga tradisional yang tetap melegenda dan hingga saat ini masih diabadikan. Pencak silat merupakan seni bela diri yang diturunkan langsung oleh nenek moyang ketika menghadapi tentara koloni Belanda dan Jepang. Sejarah awalnya tercipta pada saat masa kerajaan Sriwijaya dan Majapahit. Menariknya, pencak silat dianggap sebagai Olimpiade Nasional di bawah naungan Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora).

8. Sepak Takraw
Sekalipun menjadi layu lantaran terhapuskan oleh media, namun sepak takraw tercatat sebagai salah satu olahraga tradisional yang diciptakan oleh Kesultanan Melayu di Sulawesi Selatan pada beberapa abad silam. Sistem permainan ini terdiri atas 3 orang dengan menyepak bola rotan layaknya permainan bola voli. Dan menariknya beberapa negara tetangga pun seperti Thailand, Filipina, Laos hingga Malaysia mengadopsinya sebagai olahraga terbaik.

9. Tarik Tambang
Berbekal kekuatan otot tangan dan kaki, tarik tambang merupakan olahraga yang tetap abadi sepanjang masa. Di berbagai wilayah Indonesia, tarik tambang masih menjadi kegiatan yang paling populer khususnya pada saat lomba Agustusan tiba. Permainan ini berisikan 5 orang dalam satu tim dengan tujuan menarik tali besar hingga menjatuhkan lawan. Menariknya, tarik tambang bisa dilakukan oleh kaum pria dan wanita.

10. Pacu Jalur
Tak hanya itu saja, pacu jalur adalah olahraga yang paling menguras banyak tenaga. Sebab game ini menerjunkan minimal 40 orang dengan membawa perayu dan mendayung di sepanjang Sungai Kuantan. Perahu yang digunakan memiliki panjang mencapai 40 meter. Faktanya pacu jalur ini acap kali dimeriahkan untuk memperingati Tahun Baru Muharam, Idul Fitri Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dan lomba Agustusan.

11. Pathol
Sementara itu, Pathol termasuk jenis olahraga tradisional yang pertama kali dimeriahkan dari Sarang, Rembang, Jawa Tengah. Dalam sejarahnya, olahraga gulat tersebut diperuntukkan dalam mencari pahlawan atau ksatria terkuat di Tuban. Karena pada masa itu telah banyak penyamun dan perompak buas. Sisi menariknya, pathol selalu digelar saat bulan purnama atau hari – hari tertentu.

12. Tarung Derajat
Dan olahraga tradisional terakhir yang masih tetap menjadi buah bibir para netizen adalah tarung derajat. Aktivitas ini pertama kali diluncurkan oleh guru silat Ahmad Drajat dan mengalami perkembangan di Bandung sejak era 1960-an. Pertarungan ini sukses menjarah Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) dan merupakan pelatihan dasar untuk para Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD).

The Story of Golf Courses In Koolau, USA Until Now Becomes A Golf Course

During the pandemic that hit the USA, many places started to collapse. One of them is the golf course in Koolau, USA, which must be affected. This is due to the difficulty of getting visitors during the pandemic. This naturally happens because there is nothing to be paid to the Church. Please note that the golf course is not privately owned, but only rented. How? Curious about the story?
The pandemic forced the eli golf course in Koolau to be permanently closed. This is because the owner of this elite golf course decided to terminate the lease before maturity. It turned out that after further investigation, the golf course voters seemed to have difficulty when asked to pay money to the church owner. It was with this difficulty that it was finally decided that the golf course would not reopen.

The Story of Golf Courses In Koolau, USA Until Now Becomes A Golf Course

Please note that a golf instructor named Ralbovsky used to operate a golf academy. The golf academy is called KMR School Of Golf which has been in Koolau, USA since 2003. This presence can also improve course management last October. And since then, the field has been used by students who attend the KMR School Of Golf. There are nine front holes and the driving range is still maintained in that place. While on the side there is a golf yoga class Ralbovsky. Even the golf instructor was happy to welcome anyone who came to the course for free. Usually among them prefer to enroll in learning various golf lessons.

The price also varies, there are 10 sessions around $1500 for 1 hour while there are also $5000 for 50 sessions. If you want a cheaper price, you can try a yoga golf class for around $50 while a golf workshop costs $175. “I decided this was a unique opportunity, and it might not last forever, so I’m going to give it a go. And really giving back to my golfers and my students by giving them free golf,” Ralbovsky said. “A place where they can train on the pitch. It’s a unique situation, I don’t think it exists anywhere else.” he said. While giving lessons there, about 150 students are active in learning golf. Before the pandemic came, the number had increased by about 2 times from before. This is because the school is experiencing a strong trend of golf activities. Even last spring, Ralbovsky gave discounted lesson packages for post-closing. Golf is a sport for the upper class, this game requires golf equipment that is quite expensive, just like when you try to play at an casino online that requires a lot of money to try various variations of the game.

Ralbovsky thought that there were only about 25 people who signed up, but this was unexpected, even more than 100 people signed up. In the morning, it can be estimated that around 20 people are already playing on the field. There were even some golfers playing for 18 holes while the other 20 were just there for practice. Don’t get me wrong, even though it is played by many people, this golf course is still maintained. For example, cutting fairways, tee boxes to greens in green locations. Ralbovsky is not the only one who works but is assisted by 3 other part-time workers. To secure the equipment, the owner has made a sizeable investment. It can be estimated around $15,000 to $20,000 in capital.

Reviewing the Future of the Traveling World Fate

Not only have a negative impact on millions of people. But the COVID-19 pandemic has taken the traveling world by surprise. What will happen to travel activities next year? Until now, some countries are still keeping their mouths shut with the development of the holiday world. Because they are fighting each other to solve the virus which in fact is troubling all mankind.

It is estimated that all countries which currently still have the largest corona patients are very reluctant to open the way of Traveling. Even though the foreign exchange generated by the program is very large. Even if necessary, the state income from these activities exceeds the profits of each trusted online gambling bookie.

In this latest description, we will review the fate of the world of Traveling in the future. Because not a few people have felt depressed since the emergence of the pandemic which is still spreading everywhere. Let’s take a look at the following information!

Decrease in Number of Tourists

There is no need to delve deeper into the outside world. Because of course every country has experienced a decrease in the number of tourists since the last 2 years. According to reliable sources, The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has not authorized several countries to fly planes to various destinations. This happened because many passengers from all over the world wanted to stop at the best places in history.
From the report, IATA is predicted to stall market movements until 2024. It is known that some countries are very reluctant to open air travel to anticipate a surge in corona patients. Like one of the ASEAN countries last month, where more than 1 million people have been recorded simultaneously experiencing the corona disease. In the end, all major airports decided not to operate again.

Loss of Some Attractions
On the other hand, a number of tourist attractions will suffer huge losses. Indonesia itself is a country that is rich in the best places for holidays. One of them is the island of Bali, the entire world population is almost never absent when enjoying a vacation on the island. Because the exotic world offered is very beautiful. But unfortunately some areas that are known as heaven on earth claim that they have lost billions of rupiah.

In addition to the island of Bali, the loss was also felt by a number of cities in various major countries. Europe is the biggest threat since the pandemic began. Where tourism providers have been forced to reduce their permanent employees in order to stabilize financial conditions. It was clear that this condition was very concerning for the tourists the next day.

Staying at Home is Very Necessary
And some people prefer to stay at home instead of having to travel to places that are at risk of transmitting COVID-19. Even mountaineers who initially wanted to explore the world, now they are on their knees and reluctant to plan climbing activities. The same thing is also experienced by a number of well-known online gambling players. Where those who often bet in the biggest gambling buildings, now only use HP media as a medium for placing bets.

Staying at home is very necessary to deal with situations like this. Moreover, millions of schools starting from the level of children to students still have not implemented the teaching and learning process as in general. You could say that travel activities are very unsafe this year.

Of course, the world of traveling in the future will not be as interesting as in previous years. Even so, tourists can do new things in exploring natural conditions to get additional experience.

3 Differences Between Tour Guide and Tour Leader

3 Differences Between Tour Guide and Tour Leader – We often hear about Tour Guides and Tour Leaders since we carry out tourist activities to various places. You could say that both of them are complete packages handed down by the Tour and Travel. However, they have different sides in carrying out their duties on the field.

Therefore, this latest post is intentionally here to provide a deep understanding of the difference between a Tour Guide and a Tour Leader. And to find out the review, let’s continue on the discussion below.

1. Responsibilities
In terms of responsibilities, the Tour Leader may have a very high role than the Tour Guide. Because the Tour Leader is responsible for providing the best service while traveling for all visitors. In addition, the tasks carried out are quite complicated because they have to master all the arranged agendas so that they are not too crowded during activities. Moreover, another task that needs to be done is to control the number of passengers when they arrive at the location to the way home to ensure that no one is left behind in the group.

While the responsibility of a Tour Guide is not so great. He is required to have an official license as the best and most trusted tour guide. In addition, this role must also provide detailed information about the world of tourism which will later be explained during the trip to the way home. You could say that the task seems easy because it is enough to have a lot of knowledge and experience in the field.

2. Travel Agenda
koolaugolfclub – In the travel agenda, the role of a Tour Leader also affects the selling value of the company. The task must really be able to arrange the travel schedule to the duration of the trip so as not to be delayed or out of the specified time limit. Maturity is needed in understanding the time interval between the first, second and so on locations. Because if not, the comfort of traveling will never run smoothly.

While the task of the Tour Guide is only to accompany guests while providing important explanations about the specified place. If at the location, visitors prefer to split up in groups, then the Tour Guide is not responsible for this. Because so far, many travelers often leave the group to get new beauty. However, it is too risky for him when other travel agendas have been scheduled.

3 Differences Between Tour Guide and Tour Leader

3. Indigenous and Cultural Knowledge
The role of the Tour Leader in this case does not explain much to the guests. However, they just need to give a little explanation about the locations to be visited based on a schedule that has been neatly arranged beforehand. At least they want to give mixed reviews, that’s also not a problem. Because the Tour Leader’s job is only to describe that the destination only needs to be visited in a few minutes.

And the role of the Tour Guide in this is not to be missed. They are required to master all customs and culture of the places to be visited. In this case, they need to provide meaningful explanations so that guests gain new insights while enjoying the beauty of traveling.

If it is concluded, actually the Tour Guide and Tour Leader have the same task in providing satisfaction to all guests. More specifically, the Tour Leader has the responsibility to control and lead the group. While the Tour Guide is only tasked with providing a detailed explanation of the specified destination.

The Most Entertaining United States Traveling Tips

The Most Entertaining United States Traveling Tips – Traveling to the local area is quite boring for everyone. But what about doing something different for some personal fun? Of course, the best traveling that can be done is to travel to the United States. In general, the country is the most appropriate destination to unwind from busy daily activities. No wonder foreign tourists seem entertained when they arrive in Uncle Sam’s country.

Traveling to the United States will never get a bad experience. Because of what? There have been many places – the best places to be immortalized both for young people to adults, relatives or relatives to newlyweds. It has become a fact that many online gambling players are always present in various corners of the city. Because they always get comfort from morning to night.

And this review can be used as a valuable illustration when traveling to the United States. Because of course a satisfaction while arriving in various cities will make personal pleasure more colorful. So here are some tips that are worth doing while in the country, including.

  • Visiting the Best Tourist Places

One tip that should not be forgotten is to visit the best tourist attractions. The United States has invited admiration for all local and foreign travelers. All the beauty has radiated widely from the corner of the east to the west. Not a few tourists who go home without getting experience after engrossed in the surrounding area. That’s because they have found the most appropriate destination to visit.

There are not enough words to describe how beautiful this country is. Because so far there have been billions of foreigners who often come to all cities just for personal pleasure. Therefore relaxing in the most beautiful place is the best thing for everyone.

  • Temporary Stopover at One of the Famous Hotels

It’s still not satisfied if you only visit the best places in the United States. In general, the country already has a number of well-known and starred hotels in various cities. So every visitor can stop for a while while making plans for traveling on the following days.

Not a few funds are needed when in Uncle Sam’s country. At least the tourists need to provide pocket money of more than USD 2,000 or about 25 million rupiah. Of course they can enjoy the beauty of the best lodging ever. So that the experience of traveling in that country will be more meaningful in the future.

Casino House

  • Stop by the Trusted Casino House

koolaugolfclub – And there is one important thing that should not be forgotten when arriving in the United States. Be sure to stop by various trusted Casino Gambling Houses. Because this condition is a must for local residents, maybe even tourists. Of course, a number of cities already have the best and quality gambling buildings. So that guests can enjoy the beauty of the process of placing bets directly.

The level of security at the venue is unquestionable. Because the gambling building has appeared since several centuries ago. For local residents, betting real money is common. But at least the tourists must participate in enlivening the betting market before arriving in their home country.

Of course, there are many other best Traveling tips when you arrive in the United States. However, some of the reviews above have become the best reference when you want to explore Uncle Sam’s country.


Great Vacation Site for Casino Betting fans and Special National Parks in Indonesia

Great Vacation Site for Casino Betting fans and Special National Parks in Indonesia – Traveling around Asian countries will not be complete when you skip Indonesia. This is one of the big countries in Asia, and it is an archipelago. You may need to spend weeks to see all of the great destinations offered by Indonesia. It is tropical country, and there are many great things offered by its nature. In addition to its magnificent nature, you are able to see some great sites. When you decide to travel around Indonesia, these are some places that you should visit.

Koolaugolfclub – First, you can set your destination in Borobudur Temple and it is as good as getting into CASINO BETTING. This is one of the most iconic places in Indonesia. It even becomes one of the greatest temples in the world. Because of its significance and history, it becomes UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur Temple is located in Central Java, and it is a Buddhist temple. The temple is gigantic, and it was built in 8th century. It was built based on the concept of traditional mandala in Buddhism. The temple itself was buried because of the great volcanic eruptions, and it was found and excavated in 1800s. You are able to explore the temple and see the sets of statues and sculptures on the wall of the temple. There are some levels in the temple, and it shows the human’s journey of life in which there is nothing in the peak. It shows great philosophy.

Tanjung Puting National Park

As what is said before, Indonesia is tropical country, and there are some forests that become national parks. The parks become habitat of some great animals. Orangutan is one of them. When you want to see the real habitat of orangutan, you can go to Borneo. This becomes the homes and sanctuary dedicated to rescue the orangutans. The local people of Borneo also really respect the animal and protect them. The main place to see the endangered animals is in Tanjung Puting National Park. This is the area with largest population of orangutan. It is not only the largest population in Indonesia, but even in the world. There is also Bohorok Orangutan Center and it is located in Bukit Lawang, Sumatera Island.

Other great yet endangered animals that you can see in Indonesia are the Komodo dragon. Komodo dragons are not the dragons as in the mythical stories. However, they are the large lizards and these are said as the biggest lizards that survive from the ancient era. Komodo dragon can only be found in Indonesia, and they are found in Komodo National Park. The national parks cover five main islands and other smaller islands, and these are the natural habitat of those dragons. Since it is special animal, the national park becomes the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The national park becomes the natural habitat of this ancient lizard. Of course, you are able to see the komodo dragons directly, but you should be accompanied by guests since they are deadly animals. The national park tries to preserve the original nature, and that is why you are able to see well-preserved forest and marine areas. In addition to the legendary animal, there is also Pink Beach that becomes alternative attraction in the national park.